Iluka Resources Custom Diploma Project Management Program Project Overview LogiKal was commissioned to develop and deliver a customised Diploma of Project Management for Iluka Resources’ Project Managers. The course development involved capturing detailed requirements of Iluka’s most recent project management processes, procedures and templates and integrating this with each individual units of competency whilst, ensuring to maintain best practice methodology as well as the integrity of the qualification. LogiKal’s Approach LogiKal approached the project in two phases. Phase 1; Commenced with LogiKal completing customisation of the qualification by integrating Iluka project management processes and templates into the individual units of competency and in turn designed documented and proposed options for training delivery to Iluka. The preferred training delivery style selected by Iluka was classroom based, face to face delivery with the program delivered bi-yearly to Iluka Resources Project Managers. Phase 2; Focused on the delivery and was designed to equip Iluka Project Managers with the essential knowledge, skills and attributes required to work effectively in their project management positions that require conceptual, operational and supervisory capabilities. It was a requirement that the training had an emphasis on the Iluka project management fundamentals and desired behaviours, rather than process for process sake.