Take your Project Management skills from


Great courses created and delivered by practicing project managers.
Our courses are based on real world projects and will help you get your project delivered in a more controlled and predictable way, because no-one likes surprises from their project manager.
Gain Nationally
Recognised Qualifications
Upon successfully completing a classroom based or online course, you will gain an Nationally Recognised professional qualification.
Become a qualified project professional.

Study Wherever & Whenever
With Our 100% Online Courses
Study from anywhere on the globe, at any time.
Our courses give you 24/7 access to video presented lessons over a 12
month period with no classroom based component. Learn project
management entirely from the comfort of your own home or office.
Customise Training Programs For Your Team or Organisation
LogiKal Training has worked with many large and small organisations to deliver customised organisation-wide or team-wide training solutions. We can customise individual course components, deliver training at your place of business and even offer training on site anywhere in Australia. Keep your team competitive and improve project delivery.